Do this!
“I don’t care what you talk about, but you have to do this, “ he said, as he bent down and placed his hands under his feet. “When you did […]
How Do You Know That?
How you know something matters more than what you know. This simple set of words contains perhaps the most significant shift of all. As we talk about leading the church, […]
In the cradle of our nation, our forefathers considered the problems at hand, and tried to bring about change. After trying to bring fairness and representation to the fledgling colonies […]
“And the One who sat on the throne said, “Behold I make all things compliant…”
Change? Change What?
Change! The Posters told our nation. Change! the culture seems to scream out. Change! The frustrated truck driver, lonely single mother, or the singularly focused community service agency cries. Change!
Seeing Differently
He watched with amusement as the older gentleman made his way into the icy waters. It was difficult to avoid noticing that the man’s gear, not to mention the man, […]
There’s a Storm Coming
A moment arrives where you no longer need maps and instruments to know. The storm is on the horizon. You feel it in the air. You can see the dividing […]
Seeing Old Things in New Ways
Repent, Jesus said, and the objective was that His followers would see and experience the Kingdom that was in their midst. The problem, or at least the problem that kept […]
Meta-Know-You: Who’s in Charge Here?
Time to continue our series on meta-cognition, otherwise known as “ways of thinking.” The last post introduced us to the idea of internal versus external locus of control. This in […]
Meta-Know-You: Feeling out of Control?
“One day when I win the lottery, all of my dreams will finally come true.” “If only those other people would see me for who I really am, I could […]