Pathways to Sanity
We think it is anger. But I believe it is more. I believe our anger is just an outward symptom of other ills that are best understood by thinking differently. […]
(Note: This is by far the most personal blog I have ever written. While it is still about thinking differently, it has been one of the most profound experiences of my recent […]
The Code
This post is a peek into the study guide for “Think Differently Live Differently; Keys to a Life of Freedom” The following parable introduces the Study Guide as well as […]
Leading to Be
Note: Today’s post is an excerpt from Think Differently Lead Differently, my current project. I couldn’t keep it in much longer.
What Kind of God Makes All Things New by Dying?
Right outside the Old City of Jerusalem, about two blocks away from a bustling marketplace is a tomb. No one is in it.
Did God Really Say…?
How did we get in this mess? If you have read through any of my past posts you have heard my thoughts on the fall of man, and living from […]