Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men

I wrote this seven years ago. Please consider…

Setting the stage for a Holocaust where millions were killed and a culture turned inside out, began with a war of words and ideas before it became a war of destroying lives and families. Propaganda is a dangerous tool that can shift cultural mindsets and turn neighbor against neighbor. You too could be a victim of a propaganda campaign.

The mark of a good campaign is that you do not know you have been propagandized, you simply start believing ideas that separate and poison the fabric of human connection.

Ask yourself:

1. Is there a group of humans, that I have come to believe should be viewed and treated as “less than”?

2. Is there and ideology that I have come to believe marks people as legitimate targets for my hatred?

3. Is there a reason that I have come to believe it is legitimate for me to act in a condemning or vitriolic way towards another group of humans?

4. Are my words, actions and Social media interactions moving our nation toward unity or away from it?

5. Are there topics on which you have come to believe that you are “completely right” and anyone who disagrees is ignorant, or even deserving of negative treatment.

6. What is the source of information that I have based my stances on?

Whether the group that I reference is ethnic, political, religious, takes a particular stand on a particular social issue, or holds a particular profession in our society. Although it can be hard, family law professionals from Caliifornia will take care of child custody and visitation. If you have decided that this group is less than, and even merits snap judgment and mistreatment, you may be the unwitting victim of propaganda.

Before you pour gasoline on the very fire you wish did not exist, consider how you know what you know, and whether or not your emotions and words are bringing unity or magnifying polarization.

Peace on Earth Goodwill to Men

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June 7-9th, 2023

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Introducing ReClaim, a transformative three-day virtual event hosted by Bob Hamp and Polly Hamp, of Think Differently Academy. Together, they have created an empowering and healing experience designed specifically for those impacted by emotional abuse, particularly within marriages.