Discover the Power of Your Mind To Transform Every Area of Your Life
Create the Life and Relationships You Have Always Dreamed of By Changing Your Thought Process
Get access to 70+ hours of curated learning pathways designed to help you create the life and relationships you’ve always desired.
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Highly Curated Pathways For Life Change

A Private Community of Like-Minded people

On-Demand Courses

1) Reframe the way you see the obstacles that you face.
1 of 32) Consider that your attempted solutions may be part of what must be overcome.
2 of 33) Experience a Mind-Shift through an entirely different mental model.
3 of 3Are you searching for the keys that can really transform your life and relationships? Programs that give you steps to take and tools to use may leave out the most important ingredient: Your Mind.
Have you wondered why other resources have not been able to give you the results you were hoping for? Our Mind-Shift learning pathways are specifically designed to interrupt old thought processes and change the way your mind learns.
Sound psychology and practical faith are combined with paradigm shifting communication to help you Think Differently on a variety of life-altering topics.

Highly Curated Pathways for Life Change

A Private Community of Like-Minded People

On Demand Courses
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Every video pathway is created through multiple video lessons. You can simply sit back and watch!
Experience Change
As you engage, you will see in new ways and learn strategies to change your life both inside and out.
Change your Mind, Change Your Life
Have you noticed that sometimes the harder you try the worse things get?
This is because when new ideas enter through pre-existing thought processes the old processes quickly drain the power of the new thought. When you have come face to face with life-limiting beliefs and can’t seem to breakthrough, it may be more about how you think and less about what you know.
Countless hours of self-help resources or video instruction may be loaded with helpful input but somehow leaves you still stuck.
The mind is more than a storehouse for information, it is a complex processor of input. When you change thought processes, it’s like getting a new prescription for your glasses; everything looks different!
We provide courses that give the information you need to make lasting change, but more importantly, are designed to shift the processes of your mind.
About Think Differently Academy
Think Differently Academy is the result of thirty years of delivering hope. When people find life and freedom, they send their friends to also find life and freedom. Thirty years of counseling, delivering content and developing resources, has grown in us the desire to make that same significant help available as widely as possible.
While each person and situation are unique, we have seen that certain core ideas and key shifts can accelerate the process of change for all of us.
We want to function as a tour guide to the brilliance that is resident in the human soul and help each person discover their unique identity and as a result, their unique pathway to freedom.
When life-limiting beliefs stand in the way, we want to stand with you to dismantle the power of those beliefs and help you find the life and relationships you have dreamed of.
“You cannot solve a problem at the level of thought that created the problem”Albert Einstein