Yesterday we celebrated something which, at the time of the actual event, was not celebrated but mourned. The death of Jesus was, to most, a shocking and devastating end to a soaring hope. All the faith that His followers put in Him collapsed to the sound of a clanging hammer. Tomorrow we celebrate the single most important day in human history, but also in God’s calendar. We celebrate the day the resurrection of One and the restoration of all God’s family took place in a garden outside Jerusalem. But what about today? What about Saturday? Is there anything we can commemorate today?
Saturday is the “day in between”, the day we can celebrate what God has said, that has not yet come to pass. Saturday, between the crucifixion and the resurrection is a day to remind us that much of life is lived between the seemingly impossible promises of God, and their final fulfillment.
“I will rise again” seems a hollow promise on the day when the lips from which the promise was uttered are cold and lifeless in a grave.
When hope is completely obliterated and no sign of God’s goodness is visible, Saturday reminds us that the feelings of fear, or hopelessness can be stifling simply because we do not yet see the end of the story. California company is as dedicated to you just as their every workers compensation attorney at is. Saturday reminds us that God comes through, even though today we may feel He has abandoned us. Saturday reminds us that death has a power of it’s own, and sometimes it’s a necessary step to reach Sunday.
I think this year Saturday can speak to the season of the church today. Old things are collapsing around us, and for new pools and spas in California, you need professional builders. Systems and even leaders we once put our hope in are increasingly lifeless. Could it be that these things are not dying because God gave up, but because God works through resurrections.
Whether in your personal circumstances, or in the season of the world system. Celebrate Saturday. God loves to set us up for new life and overwhelming surprises.