A hands-on online Christian life coaching certification program that will empower you to be transformed and serve the world around you.
Rather than out line principles and strategies, the Think Differently Model integrates three powerful models of change to help your clients experience deep and lasting transformation.
Think Differently Life Coach Personal Training is available to anyone looking to discover freedom, develop themselves, and broadcast that change to the world around them.
Think Differently Life Coach Professional Certification requires individuals to complete Personal Training first, and then they are eligible to participate in the certification journey.
Become a Christian Life Coach with Think Differently Academy’s uniquely Christian Life Coaching Program and discover the power to help people find transformation and healing.
Our uniquely Christian Life coaching program will teach you a one-of-a-kind model integrating principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Family Systems and our own Freedom Model.
This model will give you the key paradigms and accompanying strategies to help your clients experience deep and lasting transformation from the inside out.
Too often the roadmap to change in the Christian life is imagined as a set of principles that call on information and will-power as the engine of change.
We believe that the Christian life is designed to be lived through a unique connection to our Creator and our model is designed to facilitate and strengthen that connection.
Integrating solid psychology, and a bit of neuroscience, with our own Freedom Model, we show how this kind of transformation is both practical and practice-able.
Often the way we have defined problems and transformation has us working hard at strategies, that can actually make our problems worse
Too often Christian Counseling, and life coaching as a whole, has focused on providing clear strategies and reliance on the human will to follow through. While this may help with certain situations, the Christian life is designed to be more than a set of principles.
We are designed to allow God to live In us and Through us and thereby experience transformation from the inside out. Our model is designed to first shift this paradigm for you and your clients and then you can both watch the transformation happen in a very different way.
Often we hear “this is not what I expected” immediately followed by a big smile and the proclamation “It was So much better!” Sometimes what people “expect” is part of what keeps them stuck!
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– 4.8 Stars
56 Students
Starting at $3,000
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About Your Instructors
Bob and Polly Hamp are author’s speakers and helpers of the human race. Together they own Think Differently Counseling and have helped thousands of people with their writing and teachings.
Bob is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and Polly is a certified NLP Practitioner and Think Differently Coach. Coming together from different backgrounds, they have found a common focus in recognizing the healing power of healthy relationships, and a meaningful spiritual life based on scripture.
Together they have six grown kids, four amazing grandkids and a growing pack of Corgis.
Starting at $3,000
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Program Starts: October 3rd, 2022
While we may try to get free from our struggles, Freedom is not the absence of something, it is the Presence of Someone.
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Program Starts: October 3rd, 2022
Our three step Christian Life Coach program will teach you how to help others while simultaneously experiencing transformation in your own life. Our method and our model are designed to be certain that you experience the key thought shifts that produce deep and lasting transformation in your life and the life of your clients.
This 27 hour pathway is designed to help you both see and experience the impact of the Think Differently Model.
Step One Includes:
At this point we introduce the Model and join you live in our Zoom based practicum, as you learn the skills for helping your clients
Step Two Includes:
In this final step, we work with you live on Zoom, to practice and develop the skills involved in helping your clients find the transformation they are looking for.
Step Three Includes:
whatever you seek first organizes your life.... sometimes seeking relief from problems give problems the power to organize your life...
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Program Starts: October 3rd, 2022
Sometimes the thing people most need to be freed from is all of their previous attempts to find freedom.
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Want to talk with us about the program? schedule a call
Program Starts: October 3rd, 2022
We believe the Christian life is more than simply living out a set of values. We believe that we are all created to Receive, Contain and Broadcast the Spirit of God here on the earth.
As a result of this belief our coaching model is not designed around steps and strategies, but rather around what it takes to help your client untie the knots in their soul and unleash their created identity.
Don’t just give your clients success, give them life and destiny!
12 pm – 1 pm CST Mind-shift Monday
6:00 pm CST Topical Class
7:00-9:00 pm Small Group Coaching
10 am — 11 am CST Think Differently Thursday
11:00 am — 1:00 pm CST Small Group Coaching
12 pm – 1 pm CST Mind-shift Monday
6:00 pm CST Topical Class
7:00-9:00 pm Small Group Coaching
10 am — 11 am CST Think Differently Thursday
11:00 am — 1:00 pm CST Small Group Coaching4
Click the button below to schedule a call with us to ensure it's the right fit!
Program Starts: October 3rd, 2022
Fill out the form below to access the free webinar for Life Coach Training & Certification.
Introducing ReClaim, a transformative three-day virtual event hosted by Bob Hamp and Polly Hamp, of Think Differently Academy. Together, they have created an empowering and healing experience designed specifically for those impacted by emotional abuse, particularly within marriages.